Secrets to ending Neurodermatitis II

by Feb 9, 2019Uncategorized

Originally I am from Germany. A software company had given me a job in Miami Florida, a job that I loved and enjoyed.

When I was 41 years old this dream came suddenly to an end. The company where I had been working for about 6 years was in financial trouble and I lost my job.

In my mind losing my job was the worst thing that could ever happen to me. My thinking was that I was a foreigner living in Miami, with very little understanding of the US and how to find another great job. I had cringe feelings about the mortgage I had to pay and all the other expenses I had.

Because of that thinking I did not take action, I never applied for another job and within 6 weeks my skin started to act out. It started on my right food, the skin turned red and began to itch.

The Search

In the beginning I went to different doctors, natural healers in the US and in Germany. They all gave me remedies that were all directed to the symptoms I had on my skin.

After one year the symptoms had multiplied and Neurodermatitis had practically taken over my life.

Instead of getting better it was getting worse and more painful.

I am sure you can 100% relate to my experience.

“If you keep doing the same thing, you will get the same results.”

A bold decision

I decided that I was going to find my own solution and that there was nothing that could stop me. There was something inside of me, that told me that it was most important to me resolve the suffering within me and on my own instead of just treating the symptoms.

I felt that there was a much bigger challenge behind the skin problem, which was vital for my happiness and evolution as a person. I felt that I had wasted enough time in my life and that it was time to find out what I really wanted.

Where to start?

I have no training as a health practitioner; I am an engineer. I started a massive search: Diets, exercise, swimming in the ocean, sunlight, oils, crèmes, I went to see a psychologist three times a week, I took many self help classes trying to figure out what was wrong with me. It almost became a full time job.

Eventually I found myself in extreme pain until one day I had a very enlightening experience, which changed my life forever.

I had not slept for a few months, I was itching and scratching 10 times a day, I was in real pain.


Freedom came without me knowing what happened. I watched all my desires about being successful, wealthy, healthy and happy went up in smoke. Like fireworks I was watching those thoughts explode and end up in smoke.

After a few minutes the experience was over and I felt a peace like never before. I felt that all pressures that I ever had in my life had just “disappeared”.

All thoughts about getting well, having money, career, family were magically gone.

I felt free, I was happier than ever before. I did not understand what had happened and that was ok.

A shift in Consciousness

Continue reading Secrets to ending Neurodermatitis III


“The skin started to heal without using any creams. It was an amazing feeling!”

Sky A., Dentist, England

“The learning was very simple and I enjoyed every single session with Guido and I can really recommend his work to anybody suffering from Neurodermatitis.”

M.I. Serbia Artist

“20 Years of Neurodermatitis Gone in a Few Weeks!”

P. N. Consultant – UK