This is the place for people who are serious about ending Neurodermatitis It is for people who are done itching and scratching, done with trying to figuring it out, done with waking up at night. People who decided that they have suffered enough and that it is time to...
I want to explain to you the very important difference between treating the cause of Neurodermatitis versus treating the symptom, and I am going to use an experience I had to explain it in a way that is easy and fun to understand. I was driving an Audi of a friend of...
This article will give you my personal Neurodermatitis experience and how I found the way out of my suffering. For many years I was suffering from painful symptoms of Neurodermatitis. The various Neurodermatitis symptoms included itchy skin, which led to a constant...
There are many different names for one and the same thing and I want to give you a list of what I have found to make it easier for you if you want to do additional research on the internet. Here is the list of additional terms I have found: Lichen Simplex Lichen...
This article will give you new ideas to the question what is Neurodermatitis. Neurodermatitis is a progressive skin disorder caused by internal thinking processes which manifests in the skin. Initially it starts off with intense stress or anxiety that causes the skin...
“The skin started to heal without using any creams. It was an amazing feeling!”
Sky A., Dentist, England
“The learning was very simple and I enjoyed every single session with Guido and I can really recommend his work to anybody suffering from Neurodermatitis.”
M.I. Serbia Artist
“20 Years of Neurodermatitis Gone in a Few Weeks!”