Neurodermatitis Wisdom

Neurodermatitis Wisdom

In 2001 I suddenly became very ill with symptoms of Neurodermatitis. With the expectation that modern medicine would help with my pain I consulted with the best doctors I could find. They were all very friendly and professional and diagnosed me with Neurodermatitis. I...

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Neurodermatitis Wisdom

What is causing Neurodermatitis?

I remember the dreading moments between my last itch/scratch attack and the next one that I knew was coming. Almost every time after I was done scratching I swore to myself I would never ever do it again. A promise that I was not able to keep for very long. And sure...

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Neurodermatitis Wisdom

What can I do when the itching starts

The most painful experience of Neurodermatitis is to go through “another” episode of itching and scratching. It is an extreme experience which nobody that has not gone through it can ever understand. The short answer is, there is nothing you can do. As long as the...

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Neurodermatitis Wisdom

Secrets to ending Neurodermatitis III

A shift in Consciousness It was very strange, from one moment to the next my whole reality had changed. My skin was still in bad shape but I was not bothered by it. “Consciousness is your level of understanding of how you create your reality." How do I get my health...

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Neurodermatitis Wisdom

Secrets to ending Neurodermatitis II

Originally I am from Germany. A software company had given me a job in Miami Florida, a job that I loved and enjoyed. When I was 41 years old this dream came suddenly to an end. The company where I had been working for about 6 years was in financial trouble and I lost...

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Neurodermatitis Wisdom

Secrets to ending Neurodermatitis I

“The most important thing to do if you find yourself in a hole is to stop digging." - Warren Buffet Not believing what anybody told me about Neurodermatitis gave me the Insights that set me free. About Suffering There is nothing that amazes me more, than the amount of...

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Neurodermatitis Wisdom

How to Stop Itching

How to Stop Itching? If you are looking for a way to stop itching, you might want to go see a dermatologist and ask him about Neurodermatitis. Neurodermatitis is a vicious cycle of itching and scratching that never seems to stop. Over time it is very exhausting and...

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Neurodermatitis Wisdom

Thought patterns Neurodermatitis itching

Thought patterns Neurodermatitis itching The reason why no doctor, no medicine or no magic trick can help with Neurodermatitis is very simple. There is no physical problem with your body or skin. What you experience are the symptoms of your thought patterns. I want to...

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Neurodermatitis Wisdom

How Do Our Emotions Affect Us?

Emotions are like powerful programs that define our abilities: how we "THINK, ACT and FEEL". Yes, that's right, emotions control the way we operate and experience the world. The basic emotions that we experience are: Apathy, Grief, Fear, Lust, Anger,...

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“The skin started to heal without using any creams. It was an amazing feeling!”

Sky A., Dentist, England

“The learning was very simple and I enjoyed every single session with Guido and I can really recommend his work to anybody suffering from Neurodermatitis.”

M.I. Serbia Artist

“20 Years of Neurodermatitis Gone in a Few Weeks!”

P. N. Consultant – UK